A bride’s bouquet is her ultimate accessory. Whether her style is traditional or funky, a well-designed bouquet enhances her look. Here are a few of our favorite bouquets from 2020. Enjoy the inspiration and learn more about these incredible florists in the vendor guide.

All White Classic

This all-white bouquet is as timeless as it is elegant.

Tipsy Tulip Designs | Ellen Sargent Photography

Blushing Beauty

Dusty pink roses and blush ribbons make a wow statement against the dark greenery.

A Schoolhouse Garden | The Light and the Color

Wildflower Wonder

Bright colors and cascading florals make this a dramatic, fun bouquet.

Flower Power VT | Ben Hudson Photography

Bride and groom kissing in the field of Vermont during elopement

Dark Magic

Deep purples and a cascading fern whisper winter romance.

A Clover and One Bee | Amelia Marie Photography